Bio Jet-7 PLUS Live 4 pack (One Gallon Bottles)


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BIO JET 7® A Powerful Wastewater Treatment Weapon

BIO JET 7 PLUS Brochure


BIO JET 7® breaks down and digests grease, fats, soap, scum, and other colloidals and dissolves organic materials in both anaerobic and aerobic wastewater treatment systems. In addition to dramatic improvements in oxidizing organic compounds, it promises major cost savings to users.

BIO JET 7® keeps household systems operating properly for only pennies a day. The cost is even lower for larger systems. Field performance has shown that plant operating cost savings are greater than the material cost for regular BIO JET 7® treatments.

BIO JET 7®provides even more benefits including:

Lower operating costs – By improving the oxidation of fats, oils, grease, and detergents, BIO JET 7® can reduce the required aeration capacity. It can also reduce your need to use chemical settling aids (polymers), cut your energy costs, save defoamer expenses, cut down on routine maintenance, and lower your overall labor costs.

No dangerous chemicals to worry about – Approved for waste related applications by the USDA, BIO JET 7® is non-toxic and will not damage equipment or harm the environment.

An end to noxious odors – Because it can reestablish and enhance normal biological activity in wastewater treatment systems, BIO JET 7® stops organic odors and prevents them from reoccurring, as long as the maintenance program is followed.

Lower effluent BOD and SS – Laboratory tests prove that BIO JET 7® can reestablish and enhance biological activity and improve the reduction of BOD (biological oxygen demand), COD (chemical oxygen demand) and SS (suspended solids) in final effluent. Up to 80% more organic materials have been removed in some systems through BIO JET 7® treatments.

Quick recovery from shock loading – BIO JET 7® helps the system maintain stability and provides a base for rapid recovery from shock loading.

Reduced hydrogen sulfide generation in gravity flow systems – Lab tests and field performance analysis have shown that BIO JET 7® reduces hydrogen sulfide in gravity systems. Less hydrogen sulfide means an end to hydrogen sulfide odors along with minimum line and tank corrosion in gravity systems.

Prevents Sewage Backup – By enhancing biological activity in sewers, drain lines, treatment plants, septic tanks, and disposal fields and beds, BIO JET-7® eliminates the threat of sewage backup and reduces sludge deposits. Because of BIO JET 7’s® composition, any clogging mat in leaching fields and beds is soon digested. Efficient drainage can be restored, eliminating the need to replace the field or bed.

*The improved formula is not temperature sensitive and can be shipped any time of the year.

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