Norweco Bio-Max Dehlorination Tablets 45lb Pail 45BM


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Norweco Bio-Max Dehlorination 144 Tablets 45lb Pail 45BM

Bio-Max dechlorination tablets are an
inexpensive, concentrated source of sodium sulfite for water, wastewater
and process water dechlorination. Containing 92% active ingredient,
Bio-Max tablets are the strongest product available for dechlorination.
This insures the complete elimination of chlorine from any type of flow
regardless of typical interferences, such as elevated ammonia levels or
excess suspended solids.

Formulated to provide a consistent
release of sodium sulfite in response to water velocity, Bio-Max tablets
deliver exceptional performance in Norweco’s Bio-Dynamic tablet feeders
and can be used with all other major brands of tablet feeders. A
single 140 gram Bio-Max tablet will remove 1 ppm chlorine from over
19,000 gallons of water or wastewater. When used in Norweco’s
Bio-Dynamic tablet feeders, a single feed tube filled with Bio-Max
tablets will dispense over 26 days of maintenance free treatment for the
average 15,000 GPD wastewater facility.

Packaged in 45 lb. pail

*Does not qualify for free shipping due to size and weight



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